We practice strict infection control protocols, with heightened measures in view of COVID-19. Our clinic is designed to be a calm and relaxing place.
We believe in being at the forefront of technology and the digital age to help us streamline workflow processes and improve treatment outcomes.
We love braces and we are very good at it! We'll help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Our Team is here to give braces and dental science the dedication they deserve.
Our team is pleased to answer the many frequently asked orthodontic related questions of our patients. If you have a question that is not answered here, please submit it to us via our contact page.
Straight teeth help an individual to effectively bite, chew and speak. Straight teeth contribute to healthy teeth and gums. Properly aligned teeth and jaws may alleviate or prevent physical health problems. Teeth that work better also tend to look better. An attractive smile is a pleasant “side effect” of orthodontic treatment.
An attractive smile is a wonderful asset. It contributes to self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image – important qualities at every age.
Some children as young as 5 or 6 may benefit from an orthodontic evaluation. Although treatment is unusual at this early age, some preventative treatment may be necessary.
Early treatment provides the opportunity to:
1. guide the growth of the young jaw bones creating a better environment for those new emerging permanent teeth
2. guide incoming teeth into optimal positions
3. regulate the width of the jaws
4. lower the risk of trauma to prominent front teeth
5. correct harmful sucking habits
6. reduce the likelihood of teeth becoming stuck or impacted under the gums
7. preserve or gain space for arriving permanent teeth
That depends a lot on you and how bad your bite is to begin with. Complex/severe bites take longer. The better you are following our doctor’s instructions and taking care of your braces, the sooner your teeth will improve.
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